Here are some photos I took of exhibits at VCF East.

Carlson Stevens from mad-gear had an exhibit of Famicom stuff:

the original Famicom

a keyboard for the Famicom

the BASIC ROM that used the keyboard, and a trackball

and two newer Famicom models

Evan Koblentz had these interesting early portables (and many more):

The folks from the macmothership had:

an Apple Lisa; this is the first time I've seen one in person

and the original 128k Macintosh; ditto!
these interfaces are painfully slow by todays standards, but in the early 80s this was state of the art

My favorite exhibit was David Gesswein's PDP-8/a:

I never knew a PDP-8 could be that small. He also had an awesome huge pen plotter:

I was dumb and forgot to photograph it - these 2 images are courtesy of Mike Lowen

Michael Pearson had my next-to-favorite exhibit, including this cool Heathkit educational analog computer:

it's just some OP-AMPs and variable resistors on a plugboard! I wish I had one when I was a kid; I might know how to design with OP-AMPs if I had.

There were also some neat talks. I missed a few because I only got there at 1, but Ray Holt had a great talk about designing a microprocessor before the Intel 4004 - for the Navy F-14 flight computer. It was a 20 bit pipelined machine running just under 10k instructions per second. Shipped in 1970 - 2 years before the 4004. If you've got an F14A lying around :-), give Ray a call - he didn't get to keep an example of his work.

Last but not least, I won a Digicomp 1 replica as a door prize.

In short, you should have been there!